Courses can be delivered as part of a customised learning journey or as stand-alone courses.

ChinUP Y2–6: Teaching Fractions Using Visual Models and Concrete Materials
Hours: 2
Are you looking whole-class differentiated fractions tasks that can be used with the same resources across Years 2 to 6? Then this workshop is for you!

ChinUP K–6: Connecting Number Concepts for All Learners
Hours: 2
Are you looking for classroom-ready resources to connect concepts across the Number substrands of the maths syllabus?

Whole School Online Learning K-6: Differentiating Number Concepts
Hours: 10
Is teaching maths really that different to teaching any other subject? We believe it is. So, how can we make differentiation doable K–6?

Creating and Using Observational Assessment Checklists for Maths
Hours: 2 or 3
Do you need an assessment strategy that is quick and easy to implement 'on the fly' in the K-6 mathematics classroom?

Planning Your Lesson Warm-ups for Effective Learning in Maths
Hours: 2 or 3
Want to kick start a strategic whole-school approach to daily number sense that will empower your teachers to make the most of this valuable component of maths ...

Visual Models and Language in Maths: Multiplication and Division
Hours: 2 or 3
Make differentiation doable when teaching multiplication and division K–6 with Anita's tried and tested strategies involving visual models and maths language.

Visual Models, Concrete Materials and Language in Maths: Fractions
Hours: 2 or 3
Want to learn strategies to make differentiation easier when teaching fractions in any stage? This hands-on workshop is for you!

Transforming Classroom Practice in Maths K-6: Fractions
Hours: 5
Do you want to build your teachers' confidence in teaching fractions to meet the needs of all students? Empower your teachers with the content knowledge ...

Transforming Classroom Practice in Maths K-6: Number Concepts
Hours: 5
Do your teachers need some inspiration to change the way they teach maths to engage all learners? Get your teachers excited with classroom strategies that ...

Developing Mental Strategies Through Hands-on Maths Activities
Hours: 2 or 3
Want to inspire active participation in maths? Learn high-quality hands-on maths tasks that improve understanding and make your students love maths!

Visual Models and Language in Maths: Addition and Subtraction
Hours: 2 or 3
Looking for classroom-ready tasks and strategies for differentiation that help students develop good understanding of addition and subtraction K-6?

Visual Models, Concrete Materials and Language in Maths: Place Value
Hours: 2 or 3
Want to develop a whole-school approach to place value that is consistent from whole numbers in Kindergarten through to decimals in Stage 3?

Visual Models and Language in Maths: Number Concepts
Hours: 2 or 3
Learn how easy it can be to differentiate and boost your students' understanding of number concepts with visual models and language.

Using a 5-part Lesson Structure to Maximise Student Learning Time
Hours: 2 or 3
Is teaching maths really that different to teaching any other subject? We believe it is. So, what makes a high-quality maths lesson?

Concrete Materials and Language in Maths: Number Concepts
Hours: 2 or 3
Got concrete materials but unsure how best to use them to support student understanding and engagement in maths? Learn efficient strategies from Anita.

Writing a Whole-School Scope and Sequence for Mathematics K–6
Hours: 5
Developing a mathematics scope and sequence collaboratively as part of a whole-school approach to mathematics is invaluable for teachers and students alike.

Transforming Classroom Practice in Maths: 5-part Lesson Structure
Hours: 5
Does lesson structure make a difference when teaching maths? We believe it does. Get your whole school on board with a consistent approach to planning and implementing maths lessons.

Hidden Gems of the NSW Mathematics K–6 Syllabus
Hours: 2
What if I told you the NSW Mathematics K–6 Syllabus is full of hidden treasures to help you deliver high-quality maths lessons?

Anita Teaches Your Class Maths: Place Value
Hours: 1.5
Would you like to see an expert classroom practitioner teach a lesson focussed on understanding place value to students in your very own school?

Anita Teaches Your Class Maths: Multiplication and Division
Hours: 1.5
Would you like to see an expert classroom practitioner teach a lesson drawn from the Multiplication and Division substrand to students in your very own school?

Anita Teaches Your Class Maths: Fractions
Hours: 1.5
Would you like to see an expert classroom practitioner teach a lesson drawn from the Fractions and Decimals substrand to students in your very own school?

Anita Teaches Your Class Maths: Addition and Subtraction
Hours: 1.5
Would you like to see an expert classroom practitioner teach a lesson drawn from the Addition and Subtraction substrand to students in your very own school?
ChinUP Y1-6: Tools and Strategies for Solving Word Problems
Hours: 2
ChinUP after-school workshops are hosted by primary schools across NSW and are open to all schools in the local area. These ...
ChinUP K-6: Plugging Gaps in Student Knowledge in your Lesson Warm-up
Hours: 2
ChinUP after-school workshops are hosted by primary schools across NSW and are open to all schools in the local area. These ...
Understanding How Maths is Taught in the 21st Century for Parents K-6
Maths is taught differently these days compared to when your students’ parents were at school. So how do you get your parents on ...