PL Courses | Teaching the Full Range of Learners | whole-day PL

Transforming Classroom Practice in Maths K-6: Number Concepts

Do your teachers need some inspiration to change the way they teach maths to engage all learners? Get your teachers excited with classroom strategies that are practical and easy-to-implement.
Course Description

This whole-day workshop starts with a discussion of your teachers’ current challenges in teaching maths, including issues related to student engagement. Anita will drill down to the root cause of these challenges and provide constructive feedback so that your teachers can plan to implement new strategies the very next week.

In the next part of the workshop, your teachers will take a deep dive into the multiplication and division substrand. Using this substrand, Anita will demonstrate the unique organisation and features of the NSW Mathematics K-6 Syllabus, including how to use the word lists and diagrams for whole-class differentiated instruction. She will also guide your teachers through the developmental sequence of learning from K to 6 for this all-important substrand.

The final part of the day will focus on a targeted area of student learning that the School Leadership Team has discussed with Anita prior to the day. For this targeted area, teachers will engage in a variety of tasks that demonstrate the tools and strategies that can be used across the whole school and allow all students to engage with the content at the level appropriate for their understanding.

By the end of the day, your school will have created a School Maths Leadership Team who are empowered to support your teachers to implement the strategies learned in the classroom. Your teachers will come away inspired and more confident to take their maths teaching to the next level!

Related Elements of Anita Chin’s Primary Mathematics Framework 

The content of this course focuses on layer 1 of Anita’s Framework. More information about the Framework can be found here.

Delivery Model

This course is delivered as a whole-day customised workshop at your school for your whole staff. It is suitable for early career teachers, experienced teachers, learning support educators, maths leaders and school leaders.

5 hour PD course
Cost: $4500 + travel expenses
Course Code: STNC5020
Standards: 2.5.2, 6.2.2, 6.3.2, 6.4.2
NESA Accredited: up to 4 Feb 2022

Ready to ignite your school’s learning journey?
Book a time to discuss your PL needs with Anita today.