Sustained professional learning journeys
Transform the teaching and learning of mathematics at your school by embarking on a sustained professional learning journey for 12 to 24 months with Australia’s leading primary mathematics expert, Anita Chin.
Anita will work within your school, collaborating with your leaders and teachers to implement a whole-school approach to maths.
In her trademark inspiring and practical style, Anita will use her Primary Mathematics Framework (2020) and NSW curriculum aligned resources to transform your teachers into confident inspired maths educators.
Learning Journey | Onboarding staff at Carlingford West Public School, NSW
Building capacity in your leaders and teachers

Once your school has created their Maths leadership team (called a ‘Maths Crew‘), the termly in person professional learning cycle typically consists of:
- Maths and school leaders engage in a two-day leadership workshop with Anita
- All staff participate in a whole-day or after-school workshop with Anita
- All staff experience Anita teaching a maths demonstration lesson with your students in their classroom.
Maintaining the maths momentum
Your K-6 Maths Crew maintain the maths momentum by:
- using 5–10 minutes to focus on maths at the start of every staff and stage/grade meeting
- providing teachers with resources, eg with concrete materials, printables
- supporting teachers in the classroom, eg through mentoring, modelling, team teaching
- delivering whole-staff PL to support implementation of Anita’s teaching strategies.