PL Courses | Syllabus Knowledge, Scope and Sequence | After-school PL

Hidden Gems of the NSW Mathematics K–6 Syllabus

What if I told you the NSW Mathematics K–6 Syllabus is full of hidden treasures to help you deliver high-quality maths lessons?
Course Description

Understand how the content is organised within a substrand to show the developmental sequence of learning. Unearth some of the syllabus’s most underused features. Learn how you can use its word lists and diagrams to help differentiate during whole-class instruction K–6. Note: it would be helpful if you brought your hard-copy syllabus document and a yellow highlighter with you!

Related Elements of Anita Chin’s Primary Mathematics Framework 

The content of this course focuses on the fundamental pillar of mathematical content knowledge of Anita’s Framework. More information about the Framework can be found here.

Delivery Model

This course is delivered as a 2-hour after-school customised workshop at your school for your whole staff. It is suitable for early career teachers, experienced teachers, learning support educators, maths leaders and school leaders.

2 hour PD course
Cost: $2000 + travel expenses
Course Code: SGEM2010
Standards: 2.5.2, 6.2.2
NESA Accredited: no

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