PL Courses | Structuring High-Quality Lessons | Whole-day PL
Transforming Classroom Practice in Maths: 5-part Lesson Structure
Does lesson structure make a difference when teaching maths? We believe it does. Get your whole school on board with a consistent approach to planning and implementing maths lessons.
Course Description
In this whole-day workshop, Anita will start by facilitating a discussion for your school’s teachers to reflect on their current classroom practices in maths and identify their pain points. She will establish the need for a consistent approach to planning and implementing maths lessons across the whole school. Then Anita will explain and model the importance of selecting and sequencing high quality tasks, using equipment and visual models, and embedding mathematical language in maths lessons: what Anita refers to as ‘tasks, tools and talk’. She will demonstrate how these three pillars allow teachers to differentiate to meet the needs of all learners and embed assessment in all maths lessons.
Anita will then explain how to integrate these three pillars into a 5-part lesson structure, which includes a daily number sense component to plug gaps in student learning. Your teachers will participate as ‘students’ in a variety of high-quality activities with Anita modelling how to implement the task, tools and talk for whole-class instruction. These activities also allow Anita to demonstrate strategies for differentiation and assessment ‘on the fly’. For each activity, teachers will discuss and determine where it fits within the 5-part lesson structure. Your teachers will leave the day empowered with a consistent lesson structure and teaching strategies to improve classroom practice.
Related Elements of Anita Chin’s Primary Mathematics Framework
The content of this course focuses on layer 2 of Anita’s Framework. More information about the Framework can be found here.
Delivery Model
This course is delivered as a whole-day customised workshop at your school for your whole staff. It is suitable for early career teachers, experienced teachers, learning support educators, maths leaders and school leaders.
5 hour PD course
Cost: $5000 + travel expenses
Course Code: SHQL5020
Standards: 2.5.2, 4.2.2
NESA Accredited: no