PL Courses | Syllabus Knowledge, Scope and Sequence | Whole-day PL

Writing a Whole-School Scope and Sequence for Mathematics K–6

Developing a mathematics scope and sequence collaboratively as part of a whole-school approach to mathematics is invaluable for teachers and students alike.
Course Description

In this on-site whole-day course, Anita will inspire and lead your teachers and/or leaders through the principles of developing a whole-school scope and sequence for mathematics. Your teachers will learn how to sequence content by grade from Kindergarten to Year 6 according to the NSW Mathematics K–6 Syllabus. Anita will also empower you with strategies for how to connect concepts within and across focus areas. Our aim is that by the end of the day, your teachers will have completed a whole-school scope and sequence for mathematics that is developmentally sequenced and ready to implement.

Related Elements of Anita Chin’s Primary Mathematics Framework 

The content of this course focuses on the fundamental pillar of mathematical content knowledge of Anita’s Framework. More information about the Framework can be found here.

Delivery Model

This course is delivered as a whole-day customised workshop at your school for your whole staff. Your teachers will work collaboratively in small Professional Learning Teams in one learning space, or alternatively the workshop can be delivered to selected mathematics leaders only. It is suitable for early career teachers, experienced teachers, learning support educators, maths leaders and school leaders.

5 hour PD course
Cost: $5000 + travel expenses
Course Code: SWSS5010
Standards: 2.2.2, 6.2.2, 6.3.2
NESA Accredited: no

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