Anita’s leading primary maths two-day course
Empower a team to lead maths K–6 at your primary school.
Anita will guide you through everything from how to set up your Maths Crew to suit your school’s context, to how to set up your classrooms to make it easier for your teachers to use their resources, to effective strategies to make differentiation doable every day.
All Leading Primary Maths professional learning is delivered in person by Anita.
Course description
Using her Primary Mathematics Framework (2022), Anita aims to give your maths leaders the strategies and tools they need to transform the teaching of maths at your school. Anita will seek to understand your school’s context and provide appropriate advice and direction about the next steps you should take towards your goal of a consistent whole-school approach to teaching maths K–6.
Throughout the course, Anita will provide opportunities for your Maths Crew to use her 360° School Reflection Tool so that they can reflect on current practice and plan their next steps to transform the teaching of maths at your school. Anita also provides a series of Accountability Tools for the Maths Crew to use with their stage/grade teams for planning, implementing and reflecting on improvements in classroom practice.
Day 1: Fundamentals to fast-track change (5 hours)
The first day of the course is about understanding what is needed to lead maths successfully from Kindergarten to Year 6. The aim is to provide easy-to-implement strategies that bring about quick wins in classroom practice.
Anita will work with your team to:
- structure the Maths Crew and establish protocols for its ongoing leadership
- establish protocols for classroom practice in maths K–6
- understand Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction as they apply to maths
- use Anita Chin’s Primary Mathematics Framework (2022) to focus professional learning and teaching practice
- learn about developmental sequences of learning as represented in the syllabus
- make differentiation doable for all teachers through the use of maths language, visual models and concrete materials
- optimise the classroom learning environment so that teachers have everything they need to teach maths well at their fingertips.
Day 2: Leading darn good teaching… DGT! (5 hours)
The second day may follow directly from the first day, or it may be a week or so later. On the second day, participants take their learning to the next level with a strong focus on what Anita calls ‘darn good teaching’.
Your team will:
- learn about Anita’s 5-part lesson structure
- learn how to make the most of lesson warm-ups to ‘plug gaps’ and connect concepts
- experience Anita teaching a 60-minute lesson to meet the needs of the full range of learners
- learn what to consider when selecting and/or designing tasks so that teachers can differentiate and teach explicitly with ease
- plan the next steps on their maths journey with guidance from Anita.
Course delivery for maths leaders & school executives
Your Maths Leadership Team and school executive team can engage in professional learning with Anita in three ways. Choose the one that suits your context and budget.
Option 1: Ongoing customised PL as part of a whole-school sustained learning journey with Anita.
Option 2: One-off customised course over 2 days at your school.
Option 3: Send a team of up to 8 educators to one of Anita’s special two-day ticketed events.
Windang Public School, NSW
L–R: School Leader (Loreta Kocovska, Principal), Maths Expert Learning Partner (Anita Chin), Maths Leader (Ashley Davies, AP C&I).
Option 1 | Partnering with Anita on a sustained journey
Drawing on her expertise and experience, Anita will work closely with your Maths Leader and Maths Leadership Team (your ‘Maths Crew’) to develop a customised strategic plan for school improvement to suit your school’s unique needs, budget and timeframe.
Anita visits your school for termly cycles of professional learning with your maths leadership team and school executive, for whole-staff workshops and for in-class demonstration lessons with your students. This model of PL is a powerful and inspirational way to fast track a whole-school approach for maths and see sustained school success.
Parramatta East Public School, NSW | Maths Crew 2020–2021
Option 2 | Two-day customised course at your school
If your school already has an established Maths Leadership team, you may already be well equipped with the tools and strategies you need for school-wide improvement.
In this case, your Maths Leadership Team and your school executive team may choose to engage Anita for two-days of customised professional learning and then implement all the ideas with their stage/grade teams without Anita’s sustained support.
Who: your Maths Leadership Team (which includes some classroom teachers) plus your school executive team
When: dates that align with your school PL plans
What you get: each participant receives a hardcopy of Anita’s Ultimate Toolkit for Leaders. Your school receives Anita’s 360º School Reflection Tool plus Anita’s Accountability Tools.
Cost: $9000 for the two-day PL course + travel (Anita is Sydney based).
Option 3 | Send a team to Anita’s ticketed two-day event
Learn Anita’s trade secrets for leading primary maths at one of her special events. Two days of inspiring and practical professional learning, delivered in person by Anita.
Who: Send a Maths Team of up to 8 leaders – current leaders (executive) and aspiring leaders (classroom teachers) – to learn alongside other schools.
Venue and dates:
SYDNEY | Bankstown Sports Club
Thursday & Friday, 12–13 October 2023 (T4, wk 1)
Cost: $995 per person for the two-day event
Tickets: Grab and go tickets (ie no details required) from the event website
Tickets close: Monday 31 July 2023 (T3, wk 3).