Online courses

An interactive, whole-school learning framework for primary mathematics K-6

Anita’s whole-school online learning framework helps teachers understand and implement world class mathematics teaching in action.

Completely different from any other online primary mathematic course available, the framework provides a guided, structured approach, made up of:

  • Online demonstration lessons
  • Face-to-face team workshops
  • Online reflection and journaling
  • Blackline masters which you can use in class

The online learning framework give primary teachers a structured, interactive opportunity to learn and implement best-practice mathematics pedagogy, and reflect upon and share their learning journey with their peers.

Courses available

A great place for primary schools to start their mathematics professional learning journey. Provides a solid foundation for schools to create a whole-school approach to differentiated instruction K-6. Creates time for staff to engage in professional dialogue over an extended period of time to reflect on both their current practice and new learnings.

An in-depth exploration of the development of place value concepts, showing how to implement whole-class differentiated instruction using similar resources across your whole school. Create your own grade/stage team learning experience by choosing the videos to view and discuss in each topic which are most relevant to your grade/stage team for your school.

How the courses work

Each course follows the same structure: face-to-face team workshops to view and discuss online demonstration lessons, followed by an opportunity to put your learning into practice, then reflect on your lesson before you meet again with your team for the next topic.

Here’s how it works:

  1. PL teams meet for an hour each month
  2. Watch the online videos, observe best pedagogical practice in a demonstration lesson setting
  3. Team dialogue, based on the videos
  4. Reflect on own practice as a team
  5. Plan a lesson, based on what you have learned
  6. Teach the lesson (within a month)
  7. Write a blog, individual reflection on the lesson and what you learned
  8. Next workshop: discuss last lesson, move on to the next one

Support for school leaders

The framework includes videos to support team leaders to plan and lead the professional learning workshops and the dialogue that surrounds them. They show leaders what to focus on, what to look for and why.

Each course includes curriculum mapping guides, which map the course content across to the NSW Mathematics K-10 Syllabus, the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics F-10, as well as the NSW Numeracy Continuum: everything you need to support your team on their learning journey.

What’s more, school leaders are given online access a month before the rest of the school, allowing you to plan your team’s learning, select your topics, audit your equipment and get your teams ready for their learning journey. As well as a one-hour conference with Anita to plan your school’s training.


Cost per participant (incl-GST): As enrolment can be for just one school, a Community of Schools, or an entire Diocese, the cost per participant is based on a ​sliding scale from $400 to $500.

  • $500 (1-10 participants)
  • $490 (11-20 participants)
  • $480 (21-40 participants)
  • $460 (41-100 participants)
  • $440 (101-200 participants)
  • $420 (201-600 participants)
  • $400 (601+ participants)